Background: From October 2023 to 30 June 2024, the ‘Shared Equity Home Buyer Helper’ (hereafter, ‘SEHBH’) Scheme in NSW helped participants secure more affordable mortgages and reduced initial deposits, to as low...
Legal News Sydney
Timeline: Since late 2012, the greater Sydney area has been using Opal, a contactless, smartcard fare collection system, for its public transport services. From 7 December 2012 to 1 December 2014, the...
The recently proposed Sydney Rail Strike initially scheduled to occur from between 10pm on Thursday 21 November 2024 (later pushed back to commence at 4:15am on Friday 22 November 2024, to accommodate...
What is a Section 60I Certificate? Under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (‘FLA’), separating couples who wish to apply to the Court for a ‘parenting order,’ must first demonstrate that they...
Real estate investment is a popular decision amongst many Australians for several reasons including, but not limited to: Its relatively low volatility in comparison to shares and other investment options, Its potential...
Grammy and Oscar-winning music composer, A. R. Rahman, and his wife, Saira Banu, are separating after 29 years of marriage. The divorce was initiated by Ms Banu, who explained that the separation...
Alan Jones, the former host of the popular Sydney breakfast radio show on 2GB, is currently facing charges related to 26 offences. Breakdown of the Charges: The charges comprise 24 counts of...
Timeline: On 10 September 2024, the Federal Government announced plans to restrict social media (hereafter, ‘SM’) use for teens, targeting various Social Media Platforms (hereafter, ‘SMPs’). This proposal was formed following elevated...
Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Law have intersected for over three decades, recent advancements in AI and Machine Learning (ML) including the emergence of AI Legal Chatbots (from 2016) and the...