Legal News Sydney

October 30, 2023
Can you use physical force to punish your child in NSW?

The way children are raised is significantly dependent on the sociocultural influences around them, and a contentious issue that is often discussed is the use of physical punishment on children as a...

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October 25, 2023
Class Action Lawsuit Against Carnival Cruise: Court Has Decided

A cruise with 28 deaths and more than 600 victims of COVID-19; the Federal Court has made it’s decision. In March 2020, the Ruby Princess Ship set for departure carrying “a significant...

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October 23, 2023
NSW Police Force 'Emergency Powers'

Excessive use of police powers in social justice contexts has been the topic of public criticism on numerous occasions, with respect to the impediment of individual rights to protest and right to...

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October 20, 2023
The Appellate Jurisdiction

Appeals are applications to higher courts by a party who believes that the decision at first instance was incorrect. Appellate work is a special area of law and usually requires specialist lawyers...

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October 18, 2023
2023 Referendum

A referendum was held on 14 October 2023, where Australians were asked whether they would like to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and...

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October 17, 2023
Incoming Changes to Australia's Privacy Laws

Privacy Laws - what are they? The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) promotes and protects the privacy of individuals by regulating how Australian government agencies and large organisations (with an annual turnover exceeding...

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October 17, 2023
Avoiding a Conflict of Interest in Family Law

  As a new client to a Family Law practice, you will often be asked an array of questions before your initial consultation such as ‘what is your partner’s name’. Whilst this...

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October 16, 2023
New Laws for Small Drug Offences

New South Wales drug law will be dramatically changed by new laws that divert individuals caught with small amounts of illicit substances away from the Courts. The recent changes will create a...

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October 6, 2023
A Barrister's Role and Their Titles

A barrister is an independent legal practitioner who acts as an advisor in law and is a specialist advocate. With their experience and knowledge of the law, they make a great difference...

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