Where do the Children Lie in All of This?

Children born or raised from separated households still have the ability to flourish and be cared for just as well as families without separated parents. The steps to this resolution, however, involve continuous support and attention from both carers and all parties involved in the situation in order to maintain positive relationships with relatives, and crucial individuals present in their lives, where safety is concerned.


Children’s Needs

The needs of a child in an emotionally stressful situation such as the separation of their parents should be heavily considered and met to the best possible standard. This might resemble validating your child’s concerns, reassuring them, allowing them to make their own decisions, where safe, and avoiding expressing your personal issues with your child. Ultimately, prioritising their wellbeing should be your focus.


Parenting Arrangements

Making legal arrangements for your child should be undertaken while discussing their best interests.  Factors to consider when formatting arrangements is:

  • Any arrangements which promote your child’s safety, including safety from being subjected to family violence, neglect, or abuse.
  • The age of your child, as the routine will differ depending on what your child’s daily life might encompass, while ensuring they stay flexible.
  • How their time will be allocated and with who
  • Their contentment with the arrangements as well as giving notice of future change.

If arrangements can be agreed on, then a parenting plan can be made or formalities such as a consent order to officiate the arrangement. If an agreement cannot be met, however, the next step might be a dispute resolution or mediation. As a last resort, you can apply to the court for parenting orders.


If you or someone you know wish to discuss this issue further, then please do not hesitate to contact us on 02 8999 9809

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