What is a child expert?

A child expert is a psychologist or social worker who specialises in children and family issues and have major influence in courts as they are often called to testify to the safety and wellbeing of children, usually in and after divorce proceedings. Child experts can also be asked to make a judgement on the possible wellbeing and safety of children of people who are intellectually disabled.

If a child expert is called to report to the court on a child of an intellectually disabled person there can be an inherent bias and unfairness to their judgement. This unfairness and bias is due to a lack of knowledge on their capabilities, as well as unfair assessments of parenting due to disabilities. These factors can lead to children being taken from their parents unfairly, limiting access to justice due to discrimination. Luckily, these unjust biases can be reformed with the education of child experts on intellectual disabilities and the role that they can play in effecting parenting.

Currently the University of Sydney in partnership with other organisations are conducting a study that aims to increase disability awareness among professionals working in care and protection and to improve their knowledge and skills to engage with parents with intellectual disabilities. This study could have major differences in the children’s court when it comes to matters regarding people with intellectual disabilities. The study aims to combat unfair assessments of parenting abilities, leading to fair judgements by the court that take into consideration all factors in each unique situation.

If you or someone you know wish to discuss this issue further, then please do not hesitate to contact us on 02 8999 9809.

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