Being employed virtually: How are you managing it?

With COVID-19 related restrictions and lockdown impositions, many of us have been working from home. How has this affected your work? Have you been able to be completely productive? With this huge change that has been imposed on society, people are finding it difficult to in fact work from home. Being constantly motivated, adhering to deadlines, meeting targets without access to the right facilities are all imposing additional hurdles on every employee.


We would like to share some tips to assist you to ensure that you get through a day of productive work: -

1. Have defined hours.

By committing solely towards those demarcated hours to do nothing else but work definitely helps. Set aside all other distractions that can come with working from home, and do not try to juggle work and home duties during that time.

2. Have regular team meetings or meetings with your boss or colleagues.

This is so that there is a mode of communication, constant flow of ideas and expectations are set so that each one will be responsible for the tasks allocated to them, and there is no overflow of confusion of task allocation.

3. Have a to do list or have other reliable applications such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Teams.

Relying on applications definitely enables you to ensure that you do not miss out on your to do tasks, apart from having a sense of achievement once the same has completed.

4. Structure your day like how you would in the office.

When working from home, remember that you are your own personal manager. Use other tools and follow schedules just like you would otherwise do in the office.

5. Choose a dedicated work area.

It will certainly assist if you dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work on a daily basis, and you could call this consistently ‘your workspace’. It certainly helps you to get into the right frame of mind.

6. Commit yourself to doing more.

It would help if you slightly overcommit yourself on what you will deliver each day. This forces you to in fact attain a goal that you will force to deliver to yourself as it would force to keep you honest even if there are other  temptations that come along during the day like Netflix or Prime.

7. Use technology to stay connected.

Rely upon instant messaging or video conferencing tools in order to make sure that you remain in touch with your co-workers, colleagues or clients, and it helps make remote meeting more productive.

8. Take clear breaks.

It is easy to get distracted while you are at home, and accordingly, make sure that you stick to your work hours and scheduled and the plan for the day and that you force yourself to take breaks only when scheduled.


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