Easter Long Weekend, COVID restrictions lifted…Here's what to look out for

As excitement brews in the lead up to the Easter long-weekend, many NSW residents are looking forward to enjoying time off work, COVID-restriction free. However, the weekend’s double demerit rules could see drivers dealing with more than a chocolate-induced belly-ache.

Double demerit rules will be enforced from 1 April 2021 (12am) - 5 April 2021 (12am). They will apply to speeding and failure to wear a motorcycle helmet or seat belt. Other heavy penalties will be dispensed for motorists using their mobile phones while driving. Offenders could face a loss of up to 10 demerit points, on top of a $349 fine.

To stay out of trouble, we encourage you drive with care and check your current balance of demerit points via the Service NSW website.

Although double demerits could cause anxiety for some, residents of NSW can look forward to their first weekend of eased restrictions since they came into force on Monday.

Here’s how the changes will affect you:

  • You may have up to 100 visitors in your home at any time (any more and you must have a COVID-19 safety plan and make your residence visible for inspection)
  • Up to 200 people may gather in outdoor public spaces, such as a parks, reserves, beaches and gardens.
  • There are no restrictions on dancing and singing at events and venues such as nightclubs, weddings, funerals and memorial services – however, event organisers must continue to be COVID safe.
  • Night clubs will open

If you plan to visit an event not mentioned above, or you would like to learn more about being COVID safe, visit the NSW Health website.

The team at Freedman & Gopalan wishes you a safe and happy holiday. If you have any queries or in need of legal assistance, call us on 02 8999 9837.

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