Who was Uncle Jack Charles?

Uncle Jack Charles was an Aboriginal activist, musician and actor. He was a man from The Boon Wurrung, Dja Dja Wurrung, Woiwurrung, and Yorta Yorta people. Jack Charles was forcibly taken from his mother when he was still a baby and soon after, he was assigned a criminal record. Charles experienced sexual abuse as a child while he was in care of the state. Unfortunately, due to the state he was brought up in full of despair and discrimination, Charles relied upon heroin and crime which left him to be incarcerated 21 times from the age of 16. He eventually discovered and developed an immense passion for theatre and acting. Due to this, he co-founded Australia’s first indigenous-run theatre company named ‘Nindethene’ which means ‘place for a corroboree’.

When Charles was two years old, he was sent to Box Hill boys Home where he lived until he was 14. He was mocked about his skin colour and race as he was the only registered Aboriginal boy there. Due to this, he became whitewashed of his family and culture. Eventually Charles’ family was scrutinised for the program ‘Who do you think you are’. He was aware that he was one of 13 siblings so he managed to track down 5 of his siblings and his mother. Unfortunately, Charles knew nothing of his father, however due to the program, Charles learnt that his father was a snappy dressing Yorta Yorta man named Hilton Hamilton Walsh. Charles was named Naidoc's Male Elder of the Year in 2022 and was awarded the Tudawali award in 2009 which was given to him to honour his lifetime of contribution to indigenous media

Uncle Jack Charles sadly passed away at the age of 79 after spending his life being an influence to many Australians and making immense improvements to out justice system.

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